Paper angenommen: Rethinking Self-directed Learning for Information Managers

Wir freuen uns, dass unser Paper „Rethinking Self-directed Learning for Information Managers – A process model for self-learning materials regarding the degree of complexity“ (Preprint bei ResearchGate) als „regular paper“ für die eLmL 2020 (DigitalWorld) angenommern wurde.

Hier das Abstract als Kurzeinstieg:

„Self-directed learning is an essential basis for lifelong learning and requires constantly changing, target group-specific and personalized prerequisites in order to motivate people to deal with modern learning content, not to overburden them and yet to adequately convey complex contexts. Current challenges in dealing with digital resources such as information overload, reduction of complexity and focus, motivation to learn, self-control or psychological wellbeing are taken up in the conception of learning settings within our QpLuS IM project for the study program Information Management and Information Management extra-occupational (IM) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover. We present an interactive video on the functionality of search engines as a practical example of a medially high-quality and focused self-learning format that has been methodically produced in line with our agile, media-didactic process and stage model of complexity levels.“

Weitere Einzelheiten und Hintergründe sind in unserem Mediendaktischen Konzept für QpLuS IM („Living Document“ bei ResearchGate) zu finden.

Die DigitalWorld2020 findet Covid19-bedingt „onsite and online“ von 21. bis 25.11. (online darüber hinaus) in Valencia statt. Wir erstellen einen vorab aufgezeichneten Videobeitrag für unsere Präsentation.

Mehr dazu bald hier 🙂

(Beitragsbild von Sharon McCutcheon bei Unsplash)